With about four main ideas in place, it's time to start fleshing out the speech. This will involve some research. Before any student begins research on the computer, they should have specific questions they want to answer. These questions should be organized underneath the four main ideas. For example:
- Texting while driving takes the driver's eyes off of the road.
- On average, how long are a driver's eyes off the road while typing or reading a text message?
- How far can a vehicle travel during this amount of time?
- What is the average distance between cars in traffic?
- Texting while driving has caused a significant number of accidents.
- Annually, how many accidents are caused by people who text while driving?
- How many fatalities?
- How many serious injuries?
- Are there any stories that are particularly powerful that would help get my point across?
- Current fines for texing while driving
- What are the current fines in New Brunswick for texting while driving?
- Are the fines in other provinces or states different than they are here?
- Are the accident/fatality/serious injury rates any different in those areas?
- Alternatives to texting while driving.
- What safer habits could people who have been texting while driving develop?