Mr. Canistro

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Posted: October 19, 2015

Have a complete draft of your memoir ready for Friday.  This includes an introduction and conclusion.  These will be marked according to provincial standards next week! You have all week to work on this and it should be reflected in your work!

Posted: October 19, 2015

Have a complete draft of your memoir ready for Friday.  This includes an introduction and conclusion.  These will be marked according to provincial standards next week! You have all week to work on this and it should be reflected in your work!

Posted: September 29, 2015

Grade 7 - Complete brief summaries for all of the stories we have already read in Invasion of the Road Weenies.  If you can't remember what happened in a story, bring it up during class discussions tomorrow.  This needs to be completed for Thursday Grade 8 - Complete the take home social studies test.  Be sure to label the cities on the map with the correct numbers.

Posted: September 23, 2015

There will be a take home test for grade 8 Social Studies next week.  It will be distributed on Tuesday and must be in by Thursday.

Posted: September 15, 2015

Grade 6/7 - Spelling Skills activitiesGrade 8 - Comprehension article and activities This homework is due Thursday.  There may be additional work to take home if classwork is not completed.  Please look at the work early and bring any questions or concerns you have to class.
I will be teaching Language Arts and Social Studies to the Grade 8 class and well as the Grade 6/7 class.  Please see the newsletter that was sent home for additional information. We will be doing lots of exciting things this year, so please check this page frequently for any news and homework information.

Posted: May 11, 2015

L/A - A completed draft of your fictional narrative is due on Friday.  Make sure you include all parts of the plot structure discussed in class. Math - a take home test will be issued on Tuesday to be returned on Friday.  Get a good jump on it! Other homework will be assigined if classwork is not completed.

Posted: April 15, 2015

A bit behind, but this is what should be turned in by Friday: Language Arts - The worksheet on characterization.  Don't forget the sections on creating your own protagonist and antogonist.- The worksheets on inferencing.  This is several pages long and intended to be completed over the coarse of two nights. Math - Turn in your test with corrections on Friday.  No additional HW was given on Tuesday to facilitate this.- Worksheet on multliplying fractions and whole numbers- Worksheet on multiplying fractions We will also be shooting additional scenes for our movie on Tuesday and Friday this week.  We will do more shooting next week.

Posted: April 7, 2015

There is no written homework today, but everyone should study for the quest (quiz/test) tomorrow.  Also, if you're not done the rough draft of your mock-assessment piece, continue to work on that.

Posted: March 31, 2015

L/A - Have at least 2-3 body paragraphs completed for your assessment piece. Math - Complete the worksheet 6.4 on the Distributive Property.
