
Posted: March 30, 2006

Today is the last Friday of the month. There will be no class for students this afternoon as teachers will be engaging in professional development.

Posted: March 29, 2006

Students at the Eel Ground School have been studying photography. They have been learning about rules of compositon, including, the rule-of-thirds, leading lines, and framing. Students from grade 3 to 6 have been finding images on the Internet that follow these rules of composition. Now that the weather is getting warmer, students will be able to take the digital cameras outside and practice the rules they have learned.Once students have caputered images, they will be able to load them on their computers and then upload them.

Posted: March 8, 2006

    Eel Ground students from grade 3 to 8 have produce a web project focused on storytelling.The central activity of the project was a series of classroom visits by Joseph Leonard Ward. Joseph shared stories with the students. The website contains a collection of videos that retell stories and legends using various media.

Posted: March 7, 2006

Mike, AJ, and Dylan were the winners of a 'Gold Award' for the Skate Video that they entered into the Atlantic Canada's First Nation Help Desk 3 Minute Video Contest. The announcement was made during the First Annual 3 Minute Digital Video Awards Show which was broadcasted over the Help Desk's videoconferencing network and was hosted by Eel Ground student Ryan.You can check out the students' video and the other contest entries by visiting the First Nation Help Desk's website.

Posted: March 6, 2006

The Eel Ground Podcasting Club has completed and uploaded another Eel Ground School Podcast. To check it out, visit the Eel Ground Podcasting Blog.

Posted: March 1, 2006

Eel Ground School is in the middle of its Winter Carnival 2006. Students and teachers have been having a blast participating in Pajama Day, Hawian Day, and Crazy Hair Day. Students have also been having fun in the Survivor Contest that is being held during lunch hour.

Posted: February 6, 2006

The Eel Ground Podcasting Club has completed and uploaded another Eel Ground School Podcast. To check it out, visit the Podcasting Blog.

Posted: February 3, 2006

There will be no school for students on Monday January 6th, 2006. Teachers will be attending the District 16 Curriculum Implementation Day.

Posted: February 1, 2006

As part of their Non-Smoking Week activities, students in Miss Ginnish's grade 7 and 8 Health and Wellness classes produced an episode of MMTV News that educated viewers on the dangers of smoking and the benefits of quiting. To watch the video, visit the MMTV News website or click the link below.

Posted: February 1, 2006

Several grade 7 and 8 students worked at lunch and after-school to plan, shoot, edit, and export a digital video film showcasing their skateboarding talents. They entered the video in the Atlantic First Nations Help Desk 3 Minute Video Contest. Stay tuned to see if they end up winning a prize. For now, check out their video.


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