Posted: April 2, 2013
Here's what is happening this week at Eel Ground First Nation's SchoolMonday, April 1st-No school due to Easter Monday holidayTuesday, April 2nd-Volleyball practice at 12:25pm Drama Practice after school for scenes 4,5,6Wednesday,April 3rd-Drama Practice at 12:20pm for scenes 1 and 2 Volleyball game at Dr. Losier after school Thursday, April 4th-Drama Parctice at 12:25pm for scene 3 Drama practice after school scenes 4,5,6 Friday, April 5th-Drama Practice at 12:25pm for scene 4 Volleyball parctice after school 2:30-3:30pm Spaghetti supper at the band Hall from 4:00pm to 6:00pm