Morning Announcement for Apr 15th

Posted: April 15, 2013

Good Morning and welcome to the Eel Ground First Nation School morning message for April 15th. The girls in Drama will be trying on costumes at 12:25pmThere will be Drama practice after school for everyone.There will be an Ice Cream sale tomorrow, Tuesday, at 12:00pm. All ice cream will be $1.00 each.Girls Day will be on Wednesday and Boys Day will be on Thursday this week.Today is Patriots Day ..go Tom Brady. Today is also Rubber Eraser Day  and thats no mistake. The eraser was invented in 1770 by joseph Priestlay. the eraser at the end of your pencil is known as a plug.In 1912 on this date the Titanic hit an iceberg and sunk. In the movie the ocean that was used in the film was actually 3 feet deep.Have a great day Eel Ground!