Happenings this week at Natoaganeg School:Monday, February 29th: Pajama Day noon hour-snowball challenge in the gymTuesday, March 1st:Crazy hair/Twin Daynoon hour-perfect posture relay raceWednesday, March 2nd:Formal Dress up daynoon hour-sippy cup raceThursday, March 3rd:Jersey DayTimberwolves vs students floor hockey game at 10:30ampudding challenge cup in the cafeteriavolleyball in the gymFriday, March 4th:zombie dress up daysleigh ride K4-Grade 4floor hockey in gympictionary/marshmallow relay in cafeteriabeanboozle in cafeteriaEel Ground Got Talent
There is no school today at Natoaganeg School due to the road conditions.Also a reminder there is no school tomorrow for students,as teachers will be having training sessions.
Happening this week at Natoaganeg School:Monday, February 22:Community Breakfast at the Band HallP.A.L. program for Grade 5 to 8 boysHypnotist at the school from 7pm to 8pm no admissionTuesday, February 23: skating at Civic Center for Grades 5 to 8sleigh riides and movie at 3: 30pmWednesday, February 24:Snake dance at 11amThursday, Fenruary 25: snake dance at 11:15am baketball jamboree at Dr Losier Middle SchoolFriday, February 26: no school
Family Week Celebration 2016-Discovering Your Family ClanSunday, February 21st-12:30pm Proclamation by Chief George Ginnish Family Mass at St Joachim's Church Monday, February 22nd-8:00am-10:00am Community Breakfast at the Band Hall 10:00am-11:30am and 1:30pm Going M>I>L>E>S> Enpowerment Workshops for students at Natoaganeg School 5:00pm-7:00pm Elder's Gathering in Seniors Loungeat Band Hall 7:00pm-8:30pm Hypnotist at Natoaganeg School No Admission cost Tuesday,February 23rd-11:30am-1:30pm Foster Parent appreciation Luncheon 3:30pm-5:00pm Sleigh Ride pick up and dro
Eel Ground First Nation preents Scott Ward Hypnosis Show Monday Fenruary 22nd at Natoaganeg School. Show gets underway at 7:00pm and is free admission. Sponsored by the Eel Ground Health Centre. Education Committee and Community Development Center.
Here is what is happening this week at Natoaganeg School:Monday, February 15th: PAL after school program for boys Grades 5 to 8Tuesday, February 16th:Elementary Basketball: Gretna Green at Natoaganeg SchoolWednesday, February 17th:Thursday, February 18th: Basketball Jamboree at Dr Losier Middle SchoolFriday, February 19th: Popcorn sale just one dollar a bag
Here is what is happening this week at Natoaganeg School:Monday, Feb 8th: PAL ProgramTuesday, Feb 9th:Basketball practice for elementary team after schoolWednesday, Feb 10th:Thursday, Feb 11th: School Valentine's Dance from 4pm to 6pm Elementary basketball game at Gretna Green Friday, Feb 12th:popcorn sale just one dollar a bag