
Posted: April 21, 2012

For the past week or so, art from school district 16 students has been on display at the Artist’s Kave on Water Street.  There were three categories of art:  K – grade 5,Grade 6 – 8, and Grade 9 -12.  The judges were  Jay Shree Rai, Joe Thompson and Linda Gallant. Two of our students were awarded for their work, Jasmine Cloud and Mitchell McCormack.

Posted: April 20, 2012

Eel Ground First Nations School would like to remind you that Sunday April 22nd is Earth Day. You can honour Earth Day by showing your awareness of environmental issues and by letting others know what they can do to make a difference. Even small actions can have a great consequences! Pick up litter,recycle,turn off the water when you brush your teeth,switch to online bill payments,use public transportation,turn down your water heater, install energy efficient lights.

Posted: April 18, 2012

The Miramichi Kinsmen and School District 16 are pleased to accept film entries for the second annual Kin Film Festival.  All School District 16 students are invited to participate.  Films can be submitted in one of two categories: Open and The Kinsmen Category (The Communities Greatest Need).  The top 10 films in each category will be screened on May 12th, 2012 at Miramichi Empire Studio 5.  Cash prizes of $500, $250 and $100 will be awarded for the winners in each category.

Posted: April 18, 2012

 The Artist Kave is displaying and honouring artwork by the talented students of School District 16 until April 21st.  The students’ work was judged in three categories Elementary,Middle School and HIgh School. Two of our Grade 6 students did very well. Jasmine Cloud took first place and Mitchell McCormack took third place. Congratulations to them and also to all our students whose artwork is on display and our Art Teacher  Miss Bev for her hard work.. The awards will be presented at 1:00PM, Saturday April 21, 2012. The Artist Kave, located at 1734 Water St.

Posted: April 18, 2012

The Drama Club will be practicing this week after school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.All should attend.

Posted: April 18, 2012

Eel Ground First Nations School would like to recognize all the volunteers who help make our school great. From the parents who help provide drives for our students to sports events, to those who help make our school fundraisers successful or any other contribution you make. All of your time and support is greatly appreciated.

Posted: April 17, 2012

With the field now dry it's that time to play ball! Middle School softball will be starting this week. Coach Kelvin Simonson  will be posting practice times in the gym. 

Posted: April 17, 2012

A great effort last night by our girls! Our JV girls volleyball team played at Harkins yesterday afternoon against the Grade 7 team. Harkins defeat our girls but the games were very close. This wraps up the regular season for the team who finished with a winning record. The girls will be practicing today as they start preparing for the Jamboree at the end of the month.

Posted: April 17, 2012

As part of Aboriginal Peoples Television Network’s (APTN) National Aboriginal Day celebrations, APTN is excited to once again launch its annual Aboriginal Day Live Flag Contest, inviting all young people ages 12 to 17 years to design a flag reflecting their perspectives on the richness and diversity of Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples. This is an excellent opportunity for your students to tap into their imaginations to create something original that shows their pride in the culture and heritage of Aboriginal Peoples.

Posted: April 16, 2012

The Artist Kave will be displaying and honouring artwork by the talented students of School District 16 from April 14th to April 21st.  Mrs. Charlotte Loggie, District 16 Art Coordinator, was extremely excited and welcomed the opportunity to showcase some of the budding artists of School District 16.The showcase of student artwork will mark the opening of The Artist Kave for the season.  The Artist Kave, located at 1734 Water St. Miramichi, is a gallery that focuses on displaying and promoting the works of the Miramichi’s many talented local artists.


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