
Posted: June 3, 2012

The school's archery team competed at MVHS Saturday morning. The District Archery Competition, featured teams from District 16 and First Nation's schools. Eel Ground School's Andrea Ward placed 4th overall for top score and missed 3rd by three points.. Congatulations to Andrea, Mrs. Harris and the rest of the team for a job well done!

Posted: June 1, 2012

Hard work leads to winning! Our school along with other First nation's schools and District 16  were at the MIramichi Civic Centre this morning to listen to former NHL star Theo Fleury. Fleury spoke to about his life growing up in Western Canada and his battles with sexual abuse, drugs and alcohol along his way to and after the NHL. His message was hard work leads to winning no matter what you do in life. He spoke of a book he read in which it said in order to succeed you must spend 10 000 hours working for your goal.

Posted: June 1, 2012

Two of our students left Wednesday to Ottawa. Bailey Martin and Julian McCormack are playing for the East Coast Ice Selects in a hockey tournament in our nation's capital. We wish them the best of luck.

Posted: June 1, 2012

Two of our students will be particiapting in a dance show put on by the Karasek School of Dance. Rachael Martin and Amber Ward will be performing at 2pm and 7pm at Carrefour Beausoleil School.

Posted: June 1, 2012

The Tim Hortons Bike Safety Rodeo will be taking place.Registration takes place Saturday morning at 9:30am until 10:00am where participants will receive their registration kits. From 10:00am until 12:00pm there will be a Bike Safety Rodeo and BBQ. This will include safety inspection,safety tips and an obstacle course. All participants need a bicycle,a proper helmut and be between the ages of 3-12 years old. The rodeo takes place at the GOlden Hawk parking lot. For more information call 622-5172.

Posted: May 31, 2012

For the third time our school's softball team has had a game rained out. The Eel Ground School Boy's Softball team was to play Harkins today. But Mother Nature rained again, making this the second game this week to be rained out. The games will be made up with dates to be announced shortly.

Posted: May 31, 2012

The weather didn’t  dampen the spirits of two hundred and fifty girls from District 16 schools who, on Wednesday May 30th, spent several hours at the Annual Go Girl Festival at Miramichi Valley High School. Through the morning and into the early afternoon the girls from grades 6 to 9, played tennis, ran, biked, climbed, skipped, swam, explored and danced their time away. Leaders from schools and the community provided a smorgasbord of  activities in order to help the girls understand just how important vigorous activity is as a component of their daily life.

Posted: May 30, 2012

Also a reminder that assessments are being written in Math and Language Arts now. It is important that those students writing are on time and present.

Posted: May 30, 2012

Students from Grades 5-8 will be going on Friday, June 1 to hear Theo Fleury a former NHL player speak about his life. Students will be leaving at 9:15am

Posted: May 30, 2012

A whale watching trip has been booked for the Grades 5-8 classes.they will be going on June 18th, with the rain date for June 20th.A permission slip with more details will be sent out on June 5th.


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