
Posted: November 16, 2012

There will be tryouts after school for our co-ed basketball team. This will be the final try outs and is open to Grades 5-8. It will be held from 2:45 to 4:00pm. 

Posted: November 15, 2012

A beading class will be starting after school at 2:30pm Miss Tobi and Miss. T.Larry will be showing the students the art of beading. Hope to see you there!

Posted: November 15, 2012

How do you get your child to eat in the mornings?1. Serve realistic portionsChildren’s stomachs are smaller than ours.If there is too much food offered at breakfast it will be difficult for them to finish. Serve smaller nutritious meals and snacks throughout day.One serving from a food group can be divided up.

Posted: November 15, 2012

Enjoy an 18th Century Musical – Free Admission for StudentsStudents in the Miramichi area have an opportunity to enjoy a professional presentation of an 18th century musical and admission is free! Jeunesses Musicales Canada, Miramichi Chapter, is hosting a performance of Mozart’s opera Cosi fan Tutte this Saturday, November 17th at 7:30 pm at Carrefour Beausoleil. The presentation is touring the Maritimes and Eastern Quebec with a cast of six young professional Canadian singers.

Posted: November 15, 2012

The male staff of Eel Ground School are taking part in Movember. They have each picked a different charity in hopes of raising money. Mr. Hawkes is raising money for the Youth Home in Eel Ground, Mr. McKay is raising money for Prostate Cancer, Mr. Canistro for Amnesty International and Mr.Gray for the Eel Ground Food Bank. If you would like to donate please drop off your donation to the school. 

Posted: November 15, 2012

There will be tryouts this Friday, November 16th for co-ed basketball. It's open to those in Grades 5 to 8. Miss. Dewolfe will be the coach of the team and hopes for a big turnout.

Posted: November 8, 2012

Eel Ground First Nation School will be holding their Remembrance Day ceremony Friday,November 9th, at 10:30am. It will take place in the school gymnasium and parents/guardians are welcome to attend. A reminder as well that the school will be closed on Monday,November 12th.

Posted: November 8, 2012

We are now into the month of November and with it comes colder weather. We would like to remind parents/guardians to make sure your child is dressed for outside. Students spend their recess outside for 15 minutes when weather permitting and should be dressed appropriately. not only will this help prevent your child from getting sick, bit also they can enjoy being outside.

Posted: November 8, 2012

Healthy Breakfasts for Healthy LearnersWhy Breakfast?Elementary Student Wellness Survey 2010-2011 results show that 31% of District 16 children do not eat breakfast.

Posted: November 6, 2012

Lights,camera,action! Tonight the Eel Ground School Drama Club presents the play"The Legend of Halloween Hairy" and the debut of the short film "Class of the Dead". It will take place in the school gymnasium at 6:30pm. Tickets available at the door only and are $7.00. 


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