
Posted: May 2, 2013

Congratulations to our Girls Volleyball team! yesterday at the District Jamboree, our girls won a silver medal. The girls, who finished second during the rgular season, lost to harkins in the final. A great job by coaches Mrs.Harris and Mrs.K.Francis and by the team. We are proud of you!

Posted: May 1, 2013

Be listening tomorrow morning for two of our students on the radio! Chloe and Amber will be on 99.3 The River, Thursday Morning at 7:50am.They will be talking about the play "Cinderella or the Story of Bigfoot" which will be performed at the Eel Ground School Gymnasium Thursday evening at 6:30pm. Tickets are $7.00 each or children 12 or under , $3.00 and are vailable at the door.

Posted: May 1, 2013

Eel Ground First Nation School would like to welcome representatives of Canadian Feed the Children to our school today and tomorrow.They are here to see our school and observe the benefits from their program in which they provide funding for our breakfast and lunch program. We hope you enjoy your visit and thank you for your support for our school! 

Posted: May 1, 2013

Here's whats happening this week at Eel Ground School:Monday, April 29:   Volleyball Practice after schoolTuesday,April 30:   No school in the morning      Drama Practice after schoolWednesday,May 1: Giirls Volleyball Jamboree at Dr Losier Middle School        Drama after school setting up the stage    Thursday, May 2:   School is open         Drama club will have practice at 11:00am Ice cream sale at 10:15am         Drama Club performing their play at 1:00pm and 6:30pm     Friday, May 3:  School is open 

Posted: April 30, 2013

Good morning and welcome to the Eel Ground First Nation School morning message for April 30th.There is no school in the morning due to a funeral in the community. The bus will be picking up students at 12:40pmThere will be drama practice after school for the entire cast.Good luck to the girls volleyball team who will be participating in the volleyball jamboree on Wednesday.The Drama Club will be performing their play "Cinderella or the story of Big Foot" on Thursday,May2 at 6:30pm in the school gymnasium.

Posted: April 30, 2013

The Eel Ground School Drama Club have been busy practicing their production for the N.B. Drama Festival. You can see their play this Thursday when they will be performing their play "CInderella or the story of Big Foot". The play, which is loosely based ion the traditional fairy tale, will be performed at the school gymnasium at 6:30pm. Tickets are available at the door and are just $7.00 with children 12 or under $3.00. The play is great for all ages. The students will be traveling to Fredericton on Monday, May6th and will return on May 8th. 

Posted: April 30, 2013

Congratulations to our girls volleyball team. They just completed the reular season and finished second place out of 7 teams.They will now compete in the Volleyball Jamboree at Dr. Losier Middle School.Thier schedule for the jamboree on Wednesday is:Wednesday3:00pm: Eel Ground vs Dr. Losier#25:00pm: Eel Ground vs Blackville   7:00pm: Dr. Losier#1 vs Eel Ground    8:00pm: 1st in B vs 2nd A 1st in A vs 2nd B  Good luck girls!!!!! 

Posted: April 29, 2013

Our Grade 2 students have challenged each other to make better decisions in terms of their effect on the environment.  Check out their video and ask yourself, what can you do?

Posted: April 29, 2013

On Tuesday, April 30, there will be no school in the morning due to a funeral in the community.School will start at 1:00pm. The bus will pick up students at 12:40pm.

Posted: April 29, 2013

GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME TO THE EEL GROUND FIRST NATION SCHOOL MORNING MESSAGE FOR April 29th There volleyball practice after school. A short drama meeting at 10:15am Tomorrow there will be no school in the morning due to a funeral, but the bus will pick up students at 12:40pm   TODAY IS NATIONAL SHRIMP SCAMPI DAY Have a great day Eel Ground.    


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