
Posted: October 3, 2013

There will be a soccer game for Grades 2 and 3 on Monday, October 7th at 3:30pm at Memorial Field, Miramichi. Parents are responsible to drive the students to and from the game. The game will last approximately one hour. Soccer gear is not required but if students have their own, they can wear it. These games are open to both boys and girls.

Posted: October 3, 2013

There will be no school tomorrow, Friday, October 4th at Eel Ground First Nation School. This is to recognize Treaty Day.

Posted: September 30, 2013

Mathletics is an online program that children can practice skills and have fun! Each student has a login and password and can play at home. It's a great way to learn.

Posted: September 30, 2013

A reminder to fill out the ballot on our newsletters that go home to give your student a chance to win a DQ certificate that will be drawn at the end of the month.September's winners were Ty Ward, Shayna Ginnish and Reanna Hamilton Ward.

Posted: September 30, 2013

The Eel Ground School Home and School Association are holding two fundraisers. Just in time for Thanksgiving you can win a Turkey basket which was very popular last year. Tickets will be going home for parents/students to purchase or sell. The student that sells the most tickets will win a movie gift certificate. Also, anyone interested in purchasing 50/50 tickets ($10.00 each with a chance to win $1000.00), they can do so at the office. Please remember Home and School is looking for new members and or volunteers.

Posted: September 30, 2013

We would like to express thank you to all parents for recognizing the importance of our attendance policy. For the month of September we had 35 students with perfect attendance, way to go! Congratulations to Brooklyn Savage, Raven Vicaire, Shalyn Ward and Kylo Patles for winning Tim Horten's cards to treat their parents in appreciation of getting to school on time.

Posted: September 30, 2013

Monday, September 30th:Lunch will be hearty beef barley soup with whole wheat roll and sliced fruit plateTuesday, October 1st:Lunch will be sweet and sour meatballs, brown rice and tossed saladWednesday, October 2nd:Lunch will be whole wheat submarine sandwich with coleslaw or broccoli salad        Student Council meeting at 12:00pm in the Grade 6-7 room for anyone interested in student council   Thursday, October 3rd:Lunch will be pasta bake and fruit salad    Friday, October 4th:No school 

Posted: September 30, 2013

GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME TO THE EEL GROUND FIRST NATION SCHOOL, MORNING MESSAGE FOR September 30   My name is Seth   And I’m Mathyis   Anyone interested in joining student council, there will be a meeting Wednesday at 12:00pm in the Grade 6-7 classroom.   Time for our joke of the day   What do you get when you cross a t-rex with fireworks?   I don’t know what do you get when u cross a t-rex with fireworks?   Dino-mite   Today is national mud pack day pile on the facial ladies. Did you know a mud pack is a quick treatment for bee stings   Remember our school’s Code of Conduct

Posted: September 26, 2013

Tomorrow is the last Friday of the month so will be having half a day. Students will be dismissed at 11:45am.

Posted: September 25, 2013

Members of our X-Country Running team will travel to Croft today. The run starts at 4:00pm with a walk around the course by all runners. Transportation is needed for our runners. Come out and support our talented athletes! 


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